Review of Literature to Identify a Set of Effective Interventions for Addressing Gender Balance in STEM
In Ireland there are significant gender imbalances in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subject choices made by male and female students at the post-primary level. Data on STEM subject enrolments indicate that the take up of the physical sciences and technology subjects is lower amongst girls, and the availability of these subjects is also more limited in all-female schools.
It is critical to encourage greater participation of girls in these subject areas in order to address national skills needs and respond to the actions required in the STEM Education Policy Statement 2017-2026 (Department of Education and Skills, 2017).
The aim of this systematic literature review is to identify effective interventions that address key barriers and build critical assets and skills that females need to learn, apply, and thrive in the STEM subject areas. The review was conducted in two stages. Stage I investigated barriers that females experience in participating in STEM subject areas and careers. Stage II identified effective interventions that address specific barriers, including measures of effectiveness of such interventions as well as evidence, where available, of their longer-term impact.